Friday, September 11, 2015

A French Stolen Art Mystery

Anna Sigalevich as Esther the Amateur Sleuth

"Art Dealer" a First-Class Mystery

By Skip Sheffield

“The Art Dealer” plays like a first-class mystery, inspired by real crimes in the wake of World War II in Europe.

Anna Sigalevich (“The Piano Teacher,” “Flight of the Red Balloon”) plays a Polish Jewish woman named Esther who becomes obsessed with finding out what happened to her grandmother’s collection of masterpiece paintings. All she has to go on is some mysterious black-and-white 16 mm film footage of her grandmother and grandfather, who was executed by the Nazis, and some purloined old letters by her grandmother. In a script written by French director Francois Margolin, Esther learns there are villains in addition to the Nazis, and a couple may be among her own family and trusted friends. The fact of the matter is that all kinds of treasures were plundered from Jewish families, and getting restitution is no simple task, but efforts must be made..

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